Heriberto CUADRADO COGOLLO was born in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) on September 29th – 1945.


1961  - Studies at the Cartagena de Indias Academy of Fine



1963 – He realizes many portraits during this period and

           becomes a member of the group  « Los 15 ».

1964 – He is awarded a grant for Europe.


1965 – Takes residence in Madrid (Spain). Follows as an auditor

           the art classes at the San Fernando School.

1966 – Moves to Paris (France).


1970 – While collaborating with the French editor Georges Visat,

           he makes friends with the famous surrealist painter

           Roberto Matta who suggests that he chooses his

           mother’s name – COGOLLO – to sign his paintings.

           During this same period he is befriended by the poet

           José Pierre who later on, in 1973, will write the preface

           of his first catalogue.

1973 – His first individual exhibition The World of a Nohor is put

           on by the Parisian art gallery Suzanne Visat. Two

           important encounters mark this event, the first being the

           start of a long friendly collaboration with two more poets

           Ted Joans and Joyce Mansour. The second being the

           meeting with the French publisher/collector Daniel


1975 – In parallel to his painter activities, he begins his long

           and successful illustrator career, under his father’s

           name – CUADRADO – collaborating mainly with Lui and

          Playboy, both monthly magazines published by


1977 – Release of a boxed set limited edition entitled Cogollo

          Caniculaire, consisting of a series of lithographs along

           with poems by Ted Joans and Joyce Mansour.


1988 – During these years, Cogollo’s illustrations spread from

           magazines like Pilote (several signed front covers) to

           weekly’s – Expansion, Le Nouvel Observateur – and on to

           working for well known editors such as Gallimard, Albin

           Michel. He also lends his brush to the world of cinema,

           music and non-profit organizations making posters for :

           Aïnama – Salsa pour Goldman (a documentary directed 

           by Franck Cassenti), the 1983 European Tour of Fela  

           and the Amnesty International ad campaign of the same

           year… just to name a few.


2008 – He is a founder member of the group Magie-Image, a

           collection of artists, the majority being of Latin-

           American origin. During all these years, the group will

           put on exhibitions in various museums in France, Spain,

           USA and Guatemala.


1989 – He records, with the Magie-Image group, a series of 

           conversations with the painter Roberto Matta. At this

           occasion, Matta introduces him to the American gallery 

           owner Thomas R. Monahan.

1991 – Opening of the exhibition entitled « Cogollo » at the  

           Thomas R. Monahan gallery in Chicago (USA).


1995 – He collaborates on various exhibitions and art fairs with

           the Thomas R. Monahan gallery.

1996 – He begins his collaboration with the George N. Nader

           gallery in Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic).


2010 – He participates in numerous exhibitions and art fairs in

           collaboration with the George N. Nader gallery.


2000 – Returns to Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) where he

           continues to paint and gives a series of classes in the 

           Fine Arts School.

1999 – Commissioned to create the poster for the Carnival Los

           Cabildos de Cartagena.

1999 – Some of his pieces dating from his surrealistic period are

           exhibited at the Guggenheim Museum in New-York on

           the occasion of the « Private Eyes – the Nesuhi Ertegun

           and Daniel Filipacchi collections » exhibition.

2000 – Present. Comes back to Europe. He is now living and  

           painting in the town of Montpellier( South of France).

           For further information please click on the 

              « EXHIBITIONS » section in this site.


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Heriberto painting Cécile in 2018

Heriberto painting his self-portrait in 2010